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 4 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"Tomás Hernández Aguirre"Advanced Search
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The trial of the killers of Tomas Hernandez Aguirre, from a broadside entitled 'E..., ca. 1890-1891. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A group of prisoners performing labor by the sea, from a broadside entitled "Ultimas notic..., 1892. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man being thrown to the sharks, from a broadside entitled 'Triste Fin de Gerard..., ca. 1880-1910. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.
A man stabbing another man in the chest while his associates loot a store, from a..., ca. 1890-1891. Creator: José Guadalupe Posada.